J&C Studios O Gauge Archive

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for Model Railroading

What is the J&C Studios O Gauge Archive?

J&C Studios O Gauge Archive

O Gauge / O Scale Forums and Individual Blogs for Model Railroading

What is the J&C Studios O Gauge Archive?
(Guest)   JCS Archive   Layout Remodels   new layout
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new layout
Joined: Nov 18, 2013
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posted Apr 23, 2015: 

as everyone knows this is now my 3rd layout in 2 years LOL Not what I planned but each time I learn more of what to do and what not to do first layout was small around the room type not bad but the inclines and all the bridge work made it tough to build and get to work correctly. second layout started offin one room got move to the loft and expanded out to be 12 X 10 wasn't a bad layout but also had it's issues with flimsy benchwork and areas that I had to climb on the layout to get to so after about a yer working on it at Christmas time it was tore down so after a few months of designing layouts in scarm I finally on a whim came up with a layout design I was happy with took about 10 different designs. the room isn't the biggest room it's only 199 X157 with an alcove and 3 doors to contend with for attic space so I didn't want to block those doors either . I like bridges tunnels and long trains not 20 car long but about 10 cars per train. I have certain trains I leave on the layout so needed some sort of yard for them to be taken off the main line to run different trains. total of 4 passenger trains and 3 freight trains, for a total of 7 trains on the layout at any given time. also have a few engines I like on the layout so needed a yard for them too. and didn't want just simple loops. so what I ended up with is a pretty good sized monster with multiple levels a few sidings for the trains I keep on the layout and a small yard for the engines I have ran a total of 3 trains at a time on this layout so far and it does get alittle tricky at times almost had a head on at one point LOL. but I have taken a few pics and maybe they can explain it better than I can.

Joined: Nov 18, 2013
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posted May 16, 2015: 

heres an update


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posted May 17, 2015: 

another update

Joined: Nov 18, 2013
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posted Jan 16, 2016: 

more changes

Joined: Nov 18, 2013
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posted Jan 16, 2016: 

some more


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